Barry Diament Audio is a company Barry Diament formed in 1987 when he left Atlantic Records to become an independent audio engineer. He'd been a music lover, amateur musician, and audio hobbyist since childhood, and a professional audio engineer since 1975. Having cut tracks, recorded overdubs, mixed tracks, edited tracks, and mastered for vinyl, in 1983 Barry became one of the first engineers to master for CD. Aside from his work on location and in the studio, he enjoys writing about audio. A number of his articles have been published in The Abso!ute Sound and in MIX Magazine.
In addition to the recording, production, mastering, and editing work he's done since starting BDA, Barry has worked as a consultant, designing systems and studios for recording, mixing, mastering, and playback.
Years of Barry's research and experimentation have also yielded two hardware products for exclusive use in his own studio:
Hip Joints© and the Enjoyyourshelf© rack, both providing means of maximizing the performance of the equipment they support by acting as blocks against vibrations. He calls the Enjoyyourshelf© rack "the world's first piece of furniture with a fully independent suspension!"
In recent years, Barry has added remote recording services to the BDA repertoire. In his own words, "What my experience has taught me is that once the signal leaves the microphones, in many significant ways, most of the ultimate quality of the recording has already been determined. My experience in the audiophile world and with hearing live music made me want records that contain more of the feeling I get at a live performance."
Currently, much of Barry's time is being spent doing work for his record label, Soundkeeper Recordings, where each release has garnered many outstanding accolades. The Soundkeeper project Equinox was recognized as Stereophile's Recording of the Month and had some of its tracks selected for inclusion on Nordost's System Solution - Set-Up & Tuning Discs. The product of a long held vision, Soundkeeper is giving voice to musicians of interest. One thing's for sure: the Force of Nature we call Music will offer us a never-ending source of pleasure and wonder.
From all of us at BDA, Happy Listening!